Apparently some of my readers (at least one) are a little impatient. So, just for you, here is the weekend report.
The girls came into town (names not to be disclosed) Friday evening...The early arrival accompanied us to a work party. Fun times with water balloon tosses and sponge relays! After the late arrival came in we caught up on old times and went to sleep.
Saturday morning began with an attempted breakfast at the Fox & Goose. We got too caught up at the neighboring tea shop that we missed our table and went over to the Waffle Square for an equally unhealthy huge breakfast. With a quick stop at Kohl's for a necessary sports bra, we were off to the Sacramento Monarch's Game around noon time.
It's really fun to watch the Sacramento Monarch's! We had great seats right behind the basket. My favorite part was Monty the mascot. She rollerbladed around the basketball court. The little kids that danced to hip hop during time outs and half time, were the cutest things ever!! Have you ever seen a 3 year old break dance? It's great!
Post game, we hit the mall. Girls don't get together and not shop do they? We all found some good clothes :)
Saturday night, we hit the clubs and danced the night away! We were 6 sexy ladies tearing up the dance floor. Fun times!!!
Sunday morning some of the playmates left for their homes, and the rest of us went back to the Fox & Goose for a leisurely breakfast. Great scones!
After breakfast, and some more purchases at the tea shop, the group dwindled to a cozy threesome of myself, sis, and boyfriend. We took ourselves to Express (I needed another pair of jeans I had bought the day before...they're great!) and to the movies. We saw Four Brothers.
It was an entertaining show..I laughed, I cried, I was entertained.
The late afternoon was for napping...and by 5pm we were off to Raley Field for the Jack Johnson concert. He was good.. It was nice to be sitting outside...and of course, we indulged in really big soft serve ice cream cones :) YUMM!!
The next part is scary. I'm not sure you want to hear it. Well, here goes:
Monday came. I had to go to work. It's thursday, and I'm still overcoming the trauma.
Take care!
Trip to Oahu, Hawaii - Day 7 & 8
5 months ago
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