Friday, October 20, 2006

Halloween Coloring Contest

Need ideas for your local Halloween Coloring Contest? Get out those crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue, glitter, etc.... Go HERE for some halloween printables. This is the warm up to pumpkin carving next weekend!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Looking for Cupcakes?

Get them at Party Favors in Brookline!
They are yummy. See....don't they look yummy?

Friday, October 13, 2006

tickled ears

Do the guitars tickle your ears too? I was strolling through the fall colored trees on Winchester street the other morning (iPOD plugged into my ears) and when the guitar strumming came one my ears tickled! Other times I feel like I'm in a live concert, there are people clapping all around me.

It's amazing what those little buds can do. It completely changes the feel of my surroundings, makes the rest of the world surreal.

Here's a pic of me ready to run the blue hills trail race.... I'm hitting a new trail this weekend.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Dessert Sushi!

The Gilmore Girls mentioned dessert sushi this week. What a great concept! Being the blogger that I am, I googled it.... (It appears that they weren't the first ones to come up with the idea). Anyhow there is tons of room for creativity in the dessert sushi business! This picture links to a site with tons of ideas. Imagine gummy worms wrapped in rice krispie treats and fruit rollups for the seaweed.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

breath-freshening lip balm: mint

It's delicious! Anna got a sample on Jet Blue and I made it last an entire week. Yummy stuff.
Today I licked the last I could out of the little sample bubble... so sad. I guess it's sold at Sephora.
Made by bliss.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Trail Running!

What better way to spend a Sunday morning than running a 10K in the woods? It was the annual Houghton's Pond Trail Race here in Massachusetts. It was my first official trail run and an absolute blast! I even ran a pretty good time. 1 hour and 1 minute including a stop to pee behind a tree. Hey, when nature calls, what are you going to do?

I know I haven't written since July, but I'm back in action. Stay tuned and log in often.

Waaaaaa Whoooooo!!!!