Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scrumptious First Anniversary

(please sing along to the tune of Happy Birthday. I know you know it.)
Happy Anniversary to us!
Happy Anniversary to us!
Haaapppy Annnniveerrrrsssarry toooo Ussss.
Happy Anniversary to us!
Are you surprised to hear that we spent our first anniversary with most scrumptious eats?
We slept in, following the rule of Sunday (Sleep Until Nine or Noon) and walked downtown to the Prudential Tower. From our house this walk is about 1 hour. The weather was so lovely and warm we had to stop for a Gatorade. At the Prudential Tower we took the elevator to the 52nd floor where the Top of the Hub serves an AMAZING Sunday brunch. The views of Boston were most spectacular. Thank you Mother Nature for such clear skies on our special day.
Detailed pics of the meal are on our Picasa Website.
On the walk back from our SCRUMPTIOUS anniversary brunch, we were sucked into the EMS store. Of course, we made a few purchases...Then, it was amazingly magnetic. The movie theater pulled us in. We saw Inglorious Basterds. Who says we need to be conventional and romantic all day long? The movie got a thumbs up from both of us. It's Quentin Tarantino, so of course it's bloody, but there's a lot of good, well played, humor throughout the film.
We had a fabulous day and look forward to remembering our First Anniversary celebration in Boston with such glorious views. 
Before, I get back to packing... there's one more thing:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOBART!  (A's dad turned 60 today)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shanghai Bubble

A and I know this bubble well. We wandered past it several times in Shanghai. The cruise we boarded for the Yangtze river was just down the way. This article explains the amazing feat accomplished under the bubble with an underground ferry terminal. It's interesting to the planner in me that the property owner had the foresight to plan for the highrise and protect the scenic view. I love the waterfront park serving as a ferry terminal concept.

I write this from 39,199 feet above Iowa.
(posted from a Virgin America flight via GoGo internet)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Water Animals

Sister and I spent a glorious day in Monterey CA yesterday. Here's how our fun went.

Stop #1
$10 per day parking lot one block from the Aquarium.

Stop #2
Snack shop across the street from the Aquarium for a ham and cheese croissant and a ham and cheese quiche. A warm and delicious breakfast for a day of water animal viewing.

Stop #3
Aquarium ticket taker man.

Stop #4

Stop #5
Otter Days information table. The posters and toy otters were not free. To get one you had to answer all of the questions on an activity sheet. We think we were older than the target audience by about 20 years, plus the questions involved reading. We did not get a poster or toy otter.

Stop #6
Kelp Forest and other fishy points in the main building. We had a blast watching the school old sardines swim in a circle. Tammy loved the Sea Otters. One was grooming and looked uber cute. We also liked the little beach birds in the Nature Center.

Stop #7
A bench outside. We needed a rest. We watched the bay and posted on each others facebook pages from our mobile internet devices.

Stop #8
The Secret Lives of Sea Horses. This was the main attraction for us. I'll tell you the big secret about sea horses. It's that the males get impregnated by the females. The males are the ones who give birth to many many many little sea horses from a kangaroo like pouch. Then the female comes back and impregnates him again. The sea horses use the model of create millions of babies so that a few will survive by chance. The rest get eaten. Have you seen a baby sea horse? They are tiny! Really tiny. If you were a whale or leopard shark and you sucked in a big gulp of ocean water, you wouldn't even know there were baby sea horses in it. They are that tiny. And so adorable!

Stop #9
Wild About Otters. It was the last weekend for the river otter exhibit. I'm not sure where the river otters are going, but apparently they have some where else to be.

Stop #10
Penguins. We couldn't go to the Aquarium and not say hello to the penguins. They would have been insulted.

Stop #11
A board game where we each were a hermit crab and had to spin the wheel to find out how many spaces we could move. For most of the game we landed on boring spaces, we didn't get eaten or rescued. Near the end, Tammy was just taking the lead when a human picked her up and the space said "game over". I won!

This reminds me of a fun game we played in the sea horses exhibit. We had to camouflage our sea horse to match his surroundings. Tammy was doing a great job changing the colors and spines on the sea horse when poof! A fish came by and ate it. We had no idea that was going to happen. After failing a second time, we were ready for the fish. I said "this is scary". She said "I'm stressed out". We were so nervous for our sea horse. We didn't want to kill another one. He lived! The game lit up and celebrated our job well done. We walked away while we were ahead. Phew. We went to the aquarium for a relaxing day and got stressed out over a little video game.

Stop #12
The gift shop. This is always relaxing for us. We found a few items to purchase and left in pursuit of a meal.

Stop #13
Amarin Thai Cuisine. We sat. We dined. We reminisced about all the cute little critters we saw.

Stop #14
Strolling down Cannery Row on a mission for a candied apple, I was distracted by the sock store. You should see the fun knee highs I got! We picked the Avalanche Apple which was covered in caramel, rice krispies, mini marshmallows, and drizzles of white and dark chocolate. They sliced it for us and we walked, talked, and ate our apple. Walking while eating sugar negates the calorie intake. Tammy didn't buy this theory.

Stop #15
The big grassy park at the end of Cannery Row. We watched otters, seals, birds, and kayakers out in the bay.

Stop #16
The car. We headed back up 101.

Stop #17
The Gilroy Factory outlets. Is it possible to not stop?

Stop #18
The couch. What a great day!


Continuing with a transportation theme, I'm blogging from a comfy seat on an Amtrak train which just departed San Jose and is headed for Sacramento. So far the ride is smooth, and I'm glad I don't have to drive. The ticket was a mere $32. A fine price to pay for peace of mind and some time to read, work, and play. The train is fully equipped with an outlet for my laptop. I haven't asked about WIFI.

From Sacramento I'm hopping on a bus coordinated by the conference to Tahoe. So Green! I'm hoping for some nice weather for four days in Tahoe.

Virgin America vs Jet Blue

To Anonymous, I'm still not a fan of first class options, but I did recognize the amenities in Main Cabin Select were way better than cattle class on Virgin. At least on Jet Blue everyone is the same and gets free all you can eat snacks!

On my recent flight with Virgin, the snacks were not free, the on demand movies cost $8, and most of the Direct TV channels were not getting reception. This put them right on par with Jet Blue in my book which makes free video games equal to free snacks for rating purposes. What kind of logic is that? Snacks are way more important than games.

I'll continue to fly both Jet Blue and Virgin. For now, the decision will be based on price and schedule. However, if Main Cabin Select seating is comparably priced for a Jet Blue flight, I'd choose Virgin for the amenities of free movies and free food.

A Scrumptious Idea:

I thought of this as I was watching the map channel and looking out the window on my last flight.

Something the airlines should implement in addition to neck rubs is a live camera connected to one of the TV channels showing the view under the airplane. Sometimes its straining to look out the window or there is a wing blocking the view. What about the people seated on the aisle? They don't have the view of the Grand Canyon or Salt Lake from 30,000 feet. It seems to me that a little camera looking down connected to the TVs wouldn't be too hard to install. I think people would enjoy it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Virgin America

This is my second time flying Virgin America. I was very impressed on my last flight that anything I desired could be ordered through the little TV on the seatback in front of me. I got movies, food, and beverages. What more could I ask for?

Today I am wondering which button to push for a neck massage.

Coffee Talk

I'm sitting in the Boston airport and there is a Starbucks sharing a wall with Dunkin' Donuts. They are literally right next to each other. What is a New Englander to do?

Personally, I don't drink the juice of the coffee bean, so I am not conflicted. Though a donut is more tempting than some froo froo pastry from Starbucks. I ate a peach and will hold out for purchasing a lunchtime sandwich.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Here in Boston we all have our light jackets on. The air is cooling. I think it's almost fall time.