Let me tell you about my new best friend. Her name is Pearl and she was brought to me by the letter B and the fruit BlackBerry.
I've dreamed about her for long befor I got her. The night before she arrived at my door, she was in my dream, really.
She has brought me the capability of using three email accounts at the same time, seamlessly. She allows me to make phone calls. She allows me to check the weather forecast. All of this from anywhere there is cell service. And where there is no cell service, Pearl entertains me with the Brick Breakers game. (I've gotten very good at this game!)
There were two things I didn't like about Pearl. I overlooked these things because they are insignificant when compared to the greatness that is Pearl.
Today, I learned how to delete the "sent from Verizon Wireless BlackBerry" signature from emails sent using Pearl. I also, in looking for this, found the super simple way to browse the internet. Before, I could only find the shortcuts that BlackBerry provided to the weather and the news. Now I can easily go to any URL I desire!
Not only, do I feel a little more tech savvy, but I have even MORE appreciation for my beloved Pearl.
Oh yeah, Pearl has become my lifeline into the world of FaceBook. She really is invaluable. I find myself staring into her little screen many hours of the day. I'm going to go read a book now.