The first weekend after my birthday, we celebrated Festivus with some of my best college pals. It was a great reunion and welcoming back to the west coast. We thoroughly enjoyed the tradition we started in college of a potluck thanksgiving dinner with friends. Mikey has perfected the turkey roasting and was a gracious host to us all. Happy Festivus!!
Sis hosted a holiday party the following weekend. I have mentioned the profiteroles. YUM.
Dad took us to a local holiday play in San Jose to help enjoy the spirit of Christmas. I greatly enjoyed the production and the experience of the very small playhouse. The entire play was acted with two actors. I laughed. I cried. It was a good show.
At home, in Jack London Square, we are relishing in the California style holiday decorations. The palm tree grove is covered in christmas lights. They flash in all different patterns and colors. You can even text your color/pattern requests. First requested, first played. Holidy Buy Night in the Jack London Square Farmer's Market Building was the perfect opportunity for me to get all my christmas shopping done. And I did. It was wonderful to meet the local vendors and buy locally made products for my loved ones.
Merry Christmas!