Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scrumptious First Anniversary

(please sing along to the tune of Happy Birthday. I know you know it.)
Happy Anniversary to us!
Happy Anniversary to us!
Haaapppy Annnniveerrrrsssarry toooo Ussss.
Happy Anniversary to us!
Are you surprised to hear that we spent our first anniversary with most scrumptious eats?
We slept in, following the rule of Sunday (Sleep Until Nine or Noon) and walked downtown to the Prudential Tower. From our house this walk is about 1 hour. The weather was so lovely and warm we had to stop for a Gatorade. At the Prudential Tower we took the elevator to the 52nd floor where the Top of the Hub serves an AMAZING Sunday brunch. The views of Boston were most spectacular. Thank you Mother Nature for such clear skies on our special day.
Detailed pics of the meal are on our Picasa Website.
On the walk back from our SCRUMPTIOUS anniversary brunch, we were sucked into the EMS store. Of course, we made a few purchases...Then, it was amazingly magnetic. The movie theater pulled us in. We saw Inglorious Basterds. Who says we need to be conventional and romantic all day long? The movie got a thumbs up from both of us. It's Quentin Tarantino, so of course it's bloody, but there's a lot of good, well played, humor throughout the film.
We had a fabulous day and look forward to remembering our First Anniversary celebration in Boston with such glorious views. 
Before, I get back to packing... there's one more thing:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOBART!  (A's dad turned 60 today)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you guys had a great day! :-) I've never been to the Top of the Hub at all... it looks like you picked a perfect day for it! I love the photos with the text over-layed on top! :-D
