Stumpy is the three-legged mouse that found his (her?) demise in the trunk of our car last night. When we first met Stumpy, he (she?) had all four legs. Friday night, while we were sleeping in a tent at a campground in NH, Stumpy was busy moving the nuts from our bag of trail mix (in the car) to some secretly located stash. A saw Stumpy (with all four legs) scurrying around the car on Satruday morning. As quick as A is, Stumpy (with all four legs) was quicker. We hoped he'd find his way out...but of course, why would he leave his (her?) stash of nuts?
Sunday night upon returning from a beautiful backpacking weekend in the White Mountains, we set a trap for Stumpy (still having all four legs) in the trunk. Monday morning, we found a closed trap that was drug to the corner of the trunk. In the trap was one little mouse leg. Thus the name Stumpy.
We worried that Stumpy might stay in hiding for a while licking his wounds, and then take revenge on us by chewing wires or doing damage to the car. Instead, the greedy little bugger was attracted to fresh peanut butter on a fresh trap last night. We found him (her?) in whole and dead this morning. Poor Little Stumpy. He (she?) really was a cute fella.
(there is currently another trap in the car, just in case Stumpy has friends)
Trip to Tampa, Florida
2 months ago
Oh my goodness!!! Always looking for a better mouse trap.