Remodeling the master bedroom, bathroom, and office are our priority projects for this year, so naturally, we spend the weekend outside! After a week of rain, we were in much need for some outdoor time. A worked on the rainwater catchment system, putting together some very impressive plumbing. We acknowledged that all of his time playing with Legos as a kid, has prepared him for these moments of putting together fittings from the big wall of parts at Home Depot.
I tackled the front yard planter box. I removed all of the weeds, rocks, and may, unfortunately, have damaged a few underground critters in the process. A's help was crucial with some of the big strong ivy roots. We picked out some flowers and a dogwood tree! Thank goodness for A's strength in digging a hole deep enough for the tree. That ground gets tough down there. I planted primrose and tulips on either side of the about to blossom dogwood and re-organized the rocky border. Plopped some mulch over the top, and it looks like a well groomed patch of yard!
Someone wrote that gardens are a luxury, not a necessity. I'm very proud of our hard work to bring this luxury to the front of our house. We are looking forward to the spring blossoms!
Tulips are usually planted in the fall so that they can sleep through winter and wake up in the spring. I think tulips planted in March may wind up very confused.