Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The pain of Heroes

We finally caught up on the TV show Heroes. Thank you TiVo! But, oh the pain! They had a wonderfully complete, nice tied up ending where the bad guy could be gone forever, and they just had to twist it to keep the story going for another season. So painful! I was ready for the bad guy to be done. I've been looking forward to that moment for so long. What do they need another season for? Is there anyone who watches the show besides A and I? I wish I'd gotten a vote on how the season ends. I would've told them I like perfect fairytale endings.


  1. Look I'm not anonymous anymore!! Yay!!

  2. I still watch it! Though I'm not sure when I last actually enjoyed watching it. It's become like a Soap Opera just repeating the same thing over and over again.

  3. I so agree with you! I was tired of the bad guy after season 1. I like some of the characters, but I don't know if I'll be able to watch another season.

