Sunday, June 21, 2009

Very Important Business

The most important thing today is to post this shout-out to my Pops. Pops, you know I love you and that you're the greatest dad any girl could wish for. Thanks for being mine. Here's your shout-out.

Happy Father's Day, Pops!
That was loud wasn't it? There are a few more father-type people I'd like to mention today.
  • Mr. T - Thanks for being in my family's life, a great dad to my best pal, AND congrats on being a grandfather this year!
  • Dick - You're a wonderful support to my husband (and me). Thanks for everything.
  • Hobart - My new father - in - law, thanks for all the love you give us.

Lastly, I'd like to wish a happy father's day to my friends who are dads. You know who you are .... I hope your kids are treating you well. Happy Father's Day!

More Very Important Business

A and I have been taking care of some very important things this weekend. Here's our list of accomplishments in no particular order of importance (they are all important!):

  1. 1. We saw the movie UP. I loved it! It's a must see in the theaters (3D).
  2. 2. I finished the book Breaking Dawn, the last of the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Great books. Great ending. I had such fun reading them.
  3. 3. We spent some significant time catching up on our TiVo recordings and setting up new season passes. It's good to have your TV organized, right?
  4. 4. We returned a large bag of potting soil (dirt) to Home Depot. When we set up our potted garden on the porch a few weeks ago we thought our pots would take more dirt than was necessary so we were left with a rather large bag of dirt. We've been reimbursed the $14 and hopefully someone else will use it to grow wonderful things.
  5. 5. We walked (I did a little jogging) around Fresh Pond in Cambridge. This was a great excercise. The pond seemed a lot bigger than it really was. It took us an hour to speed walk around it. At one point my forehead was covered in little tiny bugs. A wiped them off for me. What a guy! It was overcast and humid and the little bugs were swarming all along the trails. There were also a lot of dogs. Luckily they were all well behaved and no one pounced on me. One dog named Schnitzel obeyed his owner when she told him not to go in the puddles. We didn't feel very welcome by the City of Cambridge since most of the parking was reserved for City residents and it was difficult to find parking that we could use...but the trails around Fresh Pond are beautiful and woodsy. I'll go back despite the unwelcome-ness, the dogs, and the bugs. It really is a great recreational resource.
  6. 6. We cheered on the Red Sox. Hoooray for Beckkkkkkett's shut out on Saturday night and Thank you to Nick Greene for a walk-off home run this afternoon. It turns out the Atlanta Braves are a pretty good match up for the Sox this year. It was a fairly close series. The Sox travel to Atlanta in a week or so for another three game series with them.
  7. 7. We ventured to Costco for some edible provisions and picked up a copy of My Sister's Keeper. A and I have joined Sam's bookclub on Goodreads and this is our first assignment. Feel free to join us!
  8. 8. Two loads of laundry: washed and folded!
  9. 9. Given all the productivity of accomplishments 1 - 8 you might not think it, but we slept in and enjoyed lots of relaxing pajama time this weekend.

All in all, I have had one fabulous weekend and feel refreshed and ready for a new week.

Happy Summer! It doesn't look like it here (overcast, rainy, and humid) but it has officially begun.


  1. Thanks very much!!!!

    I'm proud to be the first follower of your new blog.

    Now I'm going to check out some of your Asian pictures.



  2. Thanks Pops! Enjoy the pics. I recommend viewing them with the "full screen" option.
